VHF and HF Nets
- Cod Jigger Net: Held Daily at 1300UTC (Nov-Mar) and 1200UTC (Mar-Nov) or on 7.040 MHz if band conditions don't permit the 80m communications.
- Newfoundland and Labrador Evening Traffic Net: Held Daily at 21:30 UTC (Nov-Mar) and 22:30 UTC (Mar-Nov) 3.740 MHz
- EMO Net (Emergency Measures Organization): First Wednesday of each month at 19:30 local Newfoundland time on 3.740 MHz or on 7.040 MHz if band conditions don't permit the 80m communications.
- Caribou Net: Held on the VHF network of repeaters VO1GT VO1BT VO1SHR VO1ARG at 21:00 local Newfoundland time