Each year at the June meeting, SONRA holds its annual Awards Night & BBQ to recognize the accomplishments and work of the Amateur community.

VO1AA Operations Award
This award is presented to the Amateur making the most contacts from the Cabot Tower station during the year. It covers any of the regular operations (VO1IMD, Dec 12th, Summer Operations) as well as any personal time put in at the station. Total contacts are determined from log sheet review by Paul VO1HE.
Clarence Mitchell Award
This award is presented to a VO Amateur, club member or not, with under 5 years experience who displays a proficiency for CW, uses CW on a regular basis and works towards the benefits of CW in Amateur Radio. It is determined by nomination with logbook verification of CW usage.
Elmer of the Year
This awards is given to the club member who benefits a new Amateur in the advancement and enjoyment of the hobby. Candidates are nominated by those helped by them or those who witness this benefit. Final determination is done upon review by the SONRA executive based upon written nomination letters.
Rookie of the Year
This award is given to the member with under 2 years operation experience who exemplifies good operating procedures and knowledge and provides assistance with Club projects. The recipient is chosen by the Executive.
Ham of the Year
This is the award presented to the member who has made the most contribution to the Club and Amateur Radio in general, during the previous year. This award is chosen by the Executive.
Harold Dickinson Award
This special award is presented commemorating the late Harold (Hal) Dickinson VO1MG. This award goes to an amateur that has shown acts of humanity and significance to amateur radio.
Life Member
This is bestowed upon a member who has made significant contributions to the Club and Amateur Radio in general while maintaining an active membership in the Club for a period of at least 10 years. A qualified member can be nominated by any member at large but the final nomination will be made by the Executive and presented in the April meeting as a motion to be voted on by the members present at the meeting. There may not be a final nominee each year.
Honourary Member
This is given to the non-Amateur who makes a significant contribution to the Club over a period of time to be determined by the Executive.
Smallwood Trophy
This award is presented to the group or individual in any category that attains the most points of all VO stations during the ARRL Field Day. It is open to any VO station officially listed in the ARRL Field Day results. The trophy will be awarded to the group with the highest score for Field Day as published by the ARRL in QST magazine or on their website
Worked All VO Award (WAVO)
The WAVO award is available to any radio amateur not resident in Newfoundland and Labrador who has worked at least 20 VO stations, of which 1 must be from Labrador using a VO2 prefix.
The award is also available to all VO1-VO2 stations who have worked at least 40 different VO stations, of which 2 must use the VO2 prefix. A CW bonus will be awarded in the form of a gold seal on the award if at least 20 of the contacts are made using Morse Code.
QSL cards not required but a copy of log book entries must be sent to the award manager along with funds to cover return postage. Applicants for the WAVO Award can apply to:
Box 8441
St. John’s, NL A1B 3N9
The Bob Lewis Award was presented in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development and furtherance of amateur radio in Newfoundland and Labrador. The award has been retired as of 2001