Parks Canada Cabot Tower Refurbishment
Parks Canada has been doing major work at National Historic Sites. At Signal Hill these projects have included:
- removing and replacing the underground electrical line going up Signal Hill
- Cabot Tower electrical infrastructure upgrades, which replaced obsolete transfers that resulted in noise dropping from S9 to S1-S3
- Cabot Tower roof replacement
VO1AA Upgrades
Thanks to Tarheel Antennas who gave us special pricing on a model M100A-HP motorized high power HF antenna. This was installed on the new roof and grounded to the roof flashing. New control and feed lines were run into the station.
Thanks to ICOM Canada for their generous donation of an ICOM IC-7610.
Thanks to the club members who showed up for several work parties to “git ‘er done!” We have a station to be proud of.